
英[s'piːnəbɪf'ɪdə] 美[s'piːnəbɪf'ɪdə]
  • 脊柱裂
  • SPI n.业务出版物说明(现场特殊干扰)
  • SPI-G 糖基化分离蛋白
  • SPIA n.固体推进剂情报机构
  • Spiaggia 斯皮亚贾
  • Spiak [日]合成纸(商品名)
名词 spina bifida:
  1. a not uncommon congenital defect in which a vertebra is malformed; unless several vertebrae are affected or there is myelomeningocele there are few symptoms; can be diagnosed by amniocentesis

    1. There are the phenomena of hypoplasia in the gastrocnemius MEP of the neonatal mouses with spina bifida manifesta.
    2. Based on the findings on this sonogram, there will almost certainly be a spina bifida present.