
英[spaɪ'riːə] 美[spaɪ'riːə]
  • n.[植]绣线菊类的植物
  • SPI n.业务出版物说明(现场特殊干扰)
  • SPI-G 糖基化分离蛋白
  • SPIA n.固体推进剂情报机构
  • Spiaggia 斯皮亚贾
  • Spiak [日]合成纸(商品名)
  1. a Japanese shrub that resembles members of the genus Spiraea; widely cultivated in many varieties for its dense panicles of flowers in many colors; often forced by florists for Easter blooming

  2. any rosaceous plant of the genus Spiraea; has sprays of small white or pink flowers

  3. a dicotyledonous genus of the family Rosaceae

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Cotoneaster and Spiraea are popular garden shrubs.