spread like wildfire

英 美
  • v. 象野火般迅速传播
  • spr abbr.春天(=spring)abbr.垫片(=spacer)abbr.洒水器(=sprinkler)SPR.abbr.固体推进剂火箭(SolidPropellantRocket)
  • spraddle v.叉开腿站立;跨越
  • sprag n.斜撑(挡圈)
  • sprain v.扭伤n.扭伤
  • spraints [复]n.;水獭粪
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. There was an outbreak of chickenpox at my son's school which spread like wildfire until nearly half the children caught it.
    2. The rumours spread like wildfire from mouth to mouth in that town.

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