spring tide

英 美
  • n. 涨潮;潮最高点者
  • sprag n.斜撑(挡圈)
  • sprain v.扭伤n.扭伤
  • spraints [复]n.;水獭粪
  • sprang v.跳,弹;涌出;生长;出现(动词spring的过去式)
  • sprat n.西鲱鱼;小个子
名词 springtide:
  1. a swelling rush of anything

  2. a greater than average tide occurring during the new and full moons

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. These rocks are awash at high tide.
    2. Just when the tide is in,you'll be able to dive.

spring tide的相关资料:
