stone mason

英 美
  • 石工
  • stoat n.鼬;白鼬
  • stochastic adj.随机的;概率性的
  • stochastics n.推测学
  • stock n.存货;储备;树干;股票;股份;家畜;血统;汤汁;声望v.采购;储存;供给;发新芽adj.惯用的;存货的
  • stock dove n.[动](欧洲产的一种)野鸽
名词 stonemason:
  1. a craftsman who works with stone or brick

    1. The huge stone blocks were chiseled off the hill body by numerous stoneworkers laboring arduously.
    2. The mason who finishes the cornice of the palace returns at night perchance to a hut not so good as a wigwam.

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