structured walk-through

英 美
  • 结构普查,结构业务,结构预演,结构化普查
  • structured adj.有组织的;有安排的
  • through adv.通过;径直;自始至终;(电话)接通;完全prep.穿过;凭借;一直到adj.直达的;直通的;贯穿的;完成的;结束的
  • walk v.步行;陪...走;散步;偷走;走过n.步行;散步;人行道
    1. The occurrence rules of rice planthopper in rice field with cultural crab was ascertained through systemic investigation and field census.
    2. At present, all data collected through the census are under computer processing program, and the advance tabulation of major figures has been finished.