
英['sʌlfərəs] 美[sʌl'fərəs]
  • adj. 硫磺的;含有硫磺的;地狱般的
  • =sulphurous.
  • sulaiman Range苏来曼山脉[巴基斯坦中部]
  • sulan 苏兰
  • sulawesi 苏拉威西岛[印度尼西亚中部]
  • sulcate adj.有沟的
  • sulcus n.槽;沟;裂缝;[解]脑沟
  1. of or related to or containing sulfur or derived from sulfur

  2. harsh or corrosive in tone;

    "an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"
    "a barrage of acid comments"
    "her acrid remarks make her many enemies"
    "bitter words"
    "blistering criticism"
    "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics"
    "a sulfurous denunciation"
    "a vitriolic critique"

  3. characterized by oppressive heat and humidity;

    "the summer was sultry and oppressive"
    "the stifling atmosphere"
    "the sulfurous atmosphere preceding a thunderstorm"

1. Corrosion resistance : except for corrosive salt area and sulfurous area.
防腐蚀: 盐蚀和硫化地区除外.


2. The sulfurous smell of Burning keratin is distinctive.


3. The active cooking chemicals in the sulfite process are sulfur dioxide, sulfurous acid, and calcium bisulfite.
亚硫酸盐法制浆过程中活性化学物质是二氧化硫 、 硫酸以及酸性亚硫酸钙.


4. The content of dialdehyde starch was determined by spectrophotometry with the color agent alkaline fuchsin - sulfurous acid.
以碱性品红 - 亚硫酸为显色剂,用分光光度法对双醛淀粉含量的测定条件、灵敏度、回收率进行研究.
