sweet corn

英 美
  • n.[植]甜玉米;甜玉米穗
  • corn n.谷物;玉米;伤感平庸作品v.形成(颗粒状);腌;(用谷物)喂
  • sweet adj.甜的;芳香的;悦耳的;漂亮的n.甜食;糖
  1. a corn plant developed in order to have young ears that are sweet and suitable for eating

  2. corn that can be eaten as a vegetable while still young and soft

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. In this paper,a cutter that was used to cut corn away from the cob was introduced.
    2. The effect of conditions of pre heating and sterilizing on the quality and storability of vacuum packed sweet corn was studied.
    3. Ears of corn were on sale at the market.
    4. It smells horrible when you burn whole ear corn in the wood stove.