take no chances

英 美
  • 不冒险,力求万全
  • chances n.可能性;机会;偶然性v.偶然发生;碰巧;冒...(的险)
  • no adv.不adj.没有;不是;禁止n.否定的回答;投反对票者
  • take v.拿;取;执行;需要;接受;理解;修(课程);花费;吃(喝);认为;搭乘n.拿取;取得物
    1. You're taking no chances.
    2. Such gunfighters came from various backgrounds, approached their jobs differently, but all shared one characteristic: they were killers. They tended to shoot first and ask questions afterwards and they did their best to take no chances.