
英['tɜːʃən] 美['tɜːʃən]
  • adj. 每三天发生一次的;隔日的
  • n. 间日热
  • terai n.毯帽
  • terakihi n.[鱼]唇指鲈(新西兰产的一种食用鱼)
  • teraph n.家庭供奉的小神像
  • teratism [生,医]畸形胎,怪胎
  • teratogen n.[生]致畸剂;畸胎剂
  1. relating to symptoms (especially malarial fever) that appear every other day;

    "tertian fever"

  2. of or relating to a tonal system based on major thirds;

    "a tertian tonal system"

1. Tertian, two thief play the part of those who sell apricot, come to this examine.
隔日, 两小偷扮作卖杏的, 来这家查看.
