the second generation leaders

英 美
  • 第二代领导人
  • generation n.代;(产品类型的)代;产生;繁殖
  • leaders n.[计算机]前导字符;领袖;领导者名词leader的复数形式.
  • second adj.第二的;次等的;再一个的num.第二n.片刻;秒adv.第二;其次v.支持;赞成;附和;调派
  • the art.那;这;这些;那些adv.(用于比较级前)更加;用于最高级前;(用于形容词、副词比较级前)越...越...
    1. Our unity, our union, is the serious work of leaders and citizens in every generation.
    2. The first generation of leaders of the Soviet Union were young and vigorous men when they took power.