the theory of self-organization

英 美
  • 自组织理论
  • of prep.关于;...的(表所属);出身于;由于
  • organization;组织adj.有组织的
  • self n.自己;本性;自我pron.我自己;你自己;他或她自己adj.始终如一的;同一类型的;性质不变的v.近亲繁殖;自花授粉
  • the art.那;这;这些;那些adv.(用于比较级前)更加;用于最高级前;(用于形容词、副词比较级前)越...越...
  • theory n.学说;理论;原理;意见
    1. This paper analyses the evolutional process via the self-organization theory and reveals the causes of improper evolution, providing a reference for future development.
    2. The theory of scientific policy-making organization is closely related to the principles of Party's democratic centralism.