
英[θ'rəʊəw'eɪ] 美[θ'rəʊəw'eɪ]
  • 废品
  • on prep.在...之上;由...支撑着;在(某一天);关于;基于adv.穿着;向前(移动);表示持续性adj.表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中;发生;值班
  • publications n.出版物名词publication的复数形式.
  • religion n.宗教;宗教信仰
名词 throwaway:
  1. (sometimes offensive) a homeless boy who has been abandoned and roams the streets

  2. an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution

  3. words spoken in a casual way with conscious under-emphasis

动词 throw away:
  1. throw or cast away

  2. get rid of

形容词 throwaway:
  1. thrown away

  2. intended to be thrown away after use

    1. Any remaining waste is washed down in water curtains and piped away for processing and recycling.
    2. If he borrowed his mom's van, he could make a little beer money carting their trash away for them.