to sound

英 美
  • 测深
  • sound n.声音;嘈杂声;音乐风格;曲调;印象;感觉;海峡;鱼鳔;探针v.听起来;感觉起来;发出声音;发音;探测深度;探询adj.有效的;合理的;可靠的;全面的;健康的;完好的;酣睡的;严厉的adv.酣畅地
  • to prep.对于;为了;(表示方向)到;向;(表示间接关系)给adv.(表示方向)去;(门)关上
    1. I don't want to sound pessimistic, but I'm afraid we have no time to handle this project.
    2. A thin disk, especially in a microphone or telephone receiver, that vibrates in response to sound waves to produce electric signals, or that vibrates in response to electric signals to produce sound waves.
    3. "What's the matter?" She asked, trying to sound concerned.
    4. I'll try to sound out the manager on the question of holidays.