transit time

英 美
  • 中天时刻,通过时间
  • time n.时间;时代;时期;倍;次数;节拍v.为…安排时间;计时;[体]在某一时刻击球adj.时间的;定时的;分期(付款)的;定期的
  • transit n.运输;经过;转变;[天]中天;凌日;经纬仪vt.穿越;旋转vi.越过
    1. Opening unimagined pathways through time and space.
    2. Transit time is the primary factor which limits the ability of a transistor to operate at high frequency.
    3. The bandwidth of the instantaneous wideband phased array radar is limited by the aperture overlay time, and will cause the direction of the beam changed.