
英 美
  • n.支路;岔路;扫兴的事物
  • TUR (=transurethralresection)经尿道切除(前列腺),经尿道(前列腺)切除术
  • tura n.关系确定的女朋友;刚弄到手的女孩
  • Turaba n.图拉巴
  • Turabah n.图赖拜(在沙特阿拉伯;东经41º34'北纬21º15')
  • Turabai 图拉拜
名词 turnoff:
  1. something causing antagonism or loss of interest

  2. a side road where you can turn off

动词 turn off:
  1. cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch

  2. make a turn

  3. cause to feel intense dislike or distaste

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The main road branches off to the left.
    2. We must have made a wrong turn at the last crossroad.
