
英[ʌn'sɪvɪlɑɪzd] 美[ʌn'sɪvɪlɑɪzd]
  • adj.不文明的
  • unc abbr.不流通的(=uncirculated)Unc.abbr.通用命名标准(=UniversalNamingConversion)
  • unc. (=uncia.;)(拉)两(=unconscious)不省人事的,昏迷不醒的,意识丧失.
  • UNCAC 反腐败公约
  • uncage v.从笼中放出;解放
  • uncaging v:解除
  1. without civilizing influences;

    "barbarian invaders"
    "barbaric practices"
    "a savage people"
    "fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient"
    "wild tribes"

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. The cellphone is an uncivilised abomination that deprives busy people of the rare periods of solitude that they so desperately need in order to maintain peak efficiency.
