
英[juːnɪtaɪ'zeɪʃən] 美[juːnɪtaɪ'zeɪʃən]
  • n.统一化;单元化;联合经营
  • UNI abbr.印度联合新闻社(=UnitedNewsofIndia)
  • uni- prep.表示“单一”之义
  • uni-acral [医]单肢的
  • Uni-Amp (赛诺菲公司)单剂量安瓿
  • Uni-Antipainflam 联邦止痛膏(含水杨酸甲酯等)
  1. (psychology) the configuration of smaller units of information into large coordinated units

  2. the act of packaging cargo into unit loads

  3. conversion of an investment trust into a unit investment trust

  4. the joint development of a petroleum resource that straddles territory controlled by different companies

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The article analyses the equipment disposition of military material unitization and container handling and looks forward to the development of military material handling system.
