
英[ʌp'raɪz] 美[ʌp'raɪz]
  • n. 升起;上坡;起义;出现
  • v. 起床;上升;提高;膨胀
uprose uprisen uprising uprises
  • upraise vt.抬起;抬高
  • upraised adj.举起的
  • uprate vt.提高...的等级(或品级、标准);改进(机械设备等)的性能;提高(商品等)的价值
  • uprear v.扶起;养育
  • upright adj.直立的;垂直的;正直的adv.垂直地n.垂直;竖立;竖钢琴
  1. come into existence; take on form or shape;

    "A new religious movement originated in that country"
    "a love that sprang up from friendship"
    "the idea for the book grew out of a short story"
    "An interesting phenomenon uprose"

  2. ascend as a sound;

    "The choirs singing uprose and filled the church"

  3. rise up as in fear;

    "The dog's fur bristled"
    "It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!"

  4. rise to one's feet;

    "The audience got up and applauded"

  5. come up, of celestial bodies;

    "The sun also rises"
    "The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled..."
    "Jupiter ascends"

  6. move upward;

    "The fog lifted"
    "The smoke arose from the forest fire"
    "The mist uprose from the meadows"

  7. return from the dead;

    "Christ is risen!"
    "The dead are to uprise"

  8. get up and out of bed;

    "I get up at 7 A.M. every day"
    "They rose early"
    "He uprose at night"

1. It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!


2. The winds roar so ferociously , ho , the billows uprise so dangerously.
风嗥之厉厉兮浪峙之岌岌 ﹒.


3. The dead are to uprise.


4. The possible young heart to be too soft after does not get windy, after not uprise.
可能年少的心太柔软,经不起风, 经不起浪.


    用作名词 (n.)
    1. This uprise ends with unsuccessful declare.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. We should uprise the Chinese education to a new level.