
英[vɪ'kjuːnə] 美[vɪ'kjuːnə]
  • n. 小羊驼
  • vic abbr.附近地区(=vicinity)abbr.维多利亚(人名和地名)(=Victoria)
  • vicar n.(教区或教堂)牧师;代理人
  • vicara n.[纺]维卡拉人造毛(一种用玉米朊制造的仿羊毛)
  • vicarage n.教区牧师住处;牧师职位;牧师俸禄
  • vicarate n.教区牧师的职权;教区牧师的辖区(同vicariate)
  1. the wool of the vicuna

  2. a soft wool fabric made from the fleece of the vicuna

  3. small wild cud-chewing Andean animal similar to the guanaco but smaller; valued for its fleecy undercoat

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The material comes from the wool of the vicuna which inhabits the high alpine reaches of the Andes.