
英[vjuː] 美[vjuː]
  • n. 视野;见解;风景;方法;检查
  • v. 考虑;看;把 ... 视为
viewable viewed viewed viewing views
CET4 TEM4 考 研 CET6
    n. (名词)
    1. 看法,见解,意见,观点
    2. 观看,眺望,看,一览
    3. 视野,视域
    4. 景色,风景
    5. 风景画,风景照片
    6. 视力
    7. 观察
    8. 展望
    9. 概观,概括,梗概
    10. 目的,意图,意向
    v. (动词)
    1. 考虑,揣度,估料
    2. 观看,看,望
    3. 查看,察看,视察,检查
    4. 看待,将…看成是,把…视为,认为
    5. 【律】查验
    6. 用电视机观看
    n. (名词)
    1. [U] 看 state of seeing or being seen from a particular place
    2. [U] 视力; 视野,视线 ability to see or be seen from a particular place; sight
    3. [C] 景色,风景 sth seen from a particular place, especially a stretch of pleasant country
    4. [C] 风景画,风景照片 a picture or photograph of scenery, a building, etc.
    5. [S] 观察某人〔某事物〕的特定机会 a special chance to see or examine sb or sth
    6. [C] 看法,意见 a personal opinion, belief, idea, etc., about sth
    7. [C] 考虑,思量; 思考的方式 an act or manner of seeing, considering, examining, etc.
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 观看 look at
    2. vt. 查看 examine
    3. vt. 认为,考虑 consider


  1. a way of regarding situations or topics etc.;

    "consider what follows from the positivist view"

  2. the visual percept of a region;

    "the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views"

  3. the act of looking or seeing or observing;

    "he tried to get a better view of it"
    "his survey of the battlefield was limited"

  4. the range of the eye;

    "they were soon out of view"

  5. a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty;

    "my opinion differs from yours"
    "I am not of your persuasion"
    "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"

  6. a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof;

    "his opinions appeared frequently on the editorial page"

  7. purpose; the phrase `with a view to' means `with the intention of' or `for the purpose of';

    "he took the computer with a view to pawning it"

  8. graphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept;

    "he painted scenes from everyday life"
    "figure 2 shows photographic and schematic views of the equipment"

  9. the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated;

    "It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge"

  10. outward appearance;

    "they look the same in outward view"

  1. deem to be;

    "She views this quite differently from me"
    "I consider her to be shallow"
    "I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do"

  2. look at carefully; study mentally;

    "view a problem"

  3. see or watch;

    "view a show on television"
    "This program will be seen all over the world"
    "view an exhibition"
    "Catch a show on Broadway"
    "see a movie"

1. An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world.
飞机为你提供非凡的,令人惊诧不已的地球景色. (句中的view既有凝视的动作含义,又有风景的状态含义)


2. What other home offers such a commanding view of the capital?


3. The argument contained herein takes exactly the opposite point of view.


4. Try to view situations more objectively, especially with regard to work.


5. Teachers often view youth workers as undisciplined and ineffectual.


    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The valley was hidden from view in the mist.
    2. His view of life is different from yours.
    3. I enjoy the view of the bay in the starlight.
    4. He took a subjective view of the problem.
    5. The police took a view of the scene.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. We can view the problem in many ways.
    2. People came from all over the world to view her work.
    3. We view every customer as a partner.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The speaker stood in full view of the crowd.
    2. My view of the harbor was blocked by the new building.
    3. I'll sit here and look at the view.
    4. The tourists crowded closer to get a view of the painting.
    5. If we stand at this window, we'll get a better view.
    6. She expressed the view that he was a fool.
    7. I take the view that we should put less money into nuclear weapons.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. We viewed the scene with pleasure.
    2. Thousands of people viewed the Thanks-giving Day parade.
    3. Have you viewed the museum's new coin collection?
    4. He determined to view the rooms behind the office.
    5. This helped him to view that society critically.
    6. We must on no account view problems superficially and in isolation.
    7. They viewed the future with some alarm.
    8. 1
    9. The film has not been viewed by the censor.
    10. The plan was viewed favorably.
    11. The subject may be viewed in various ways.
    12. Has the matter been viewed from the tax-payer's standpoint?
    用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. +as n./adj.
    1. They viewed his actions as unnecessary.
    2. She views every minor setback as a disaster.
    3. 1
    4. They are viewed as models.
n. (名词)
  1. view后接介词of,既可引出看的逻辑主语,也可引出看的逻辑宾语。view作“意见,观点,见解”解时多用于复数形式。
v. (动词)
  1. view的基本意思是“看”“观察”,指看见展现在人们面前的、可以稳定地进行详细审视的事物,尤指需用某种方式或特殊目的来看待思考的事物。引申表示“持某种看法”“考虑”。
  2. view是及物动词,接名词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。
  1. view作名词指“意见”时,后面可跟介词of。其复数形式views后可跟介词on或of。

    What is your view of this policy?
    What are your views on/of this policy?

  2. in view of指“鉴于……,由于……”时,view前面不加冠词a或the。

    In view of these facts, we can do a great deal.

  3. with a view to通常指“以……为目的”,后面通常接动名词或名词。有时也指“希望得到……”,后面一般接名词,如with a view to improving it和with a view to its improvement;
  4. with the view of指“以……为目的”,后面只跟动名词,不跟名词。通常用with a view to,很少用with the view of;
  5. views作名词指“见解”时,与facts意思上成对比。

    What he wants is facts, not views.

n. (名词)
view, advice, counsel, opinion, point of view
  • 这组词(组)的共同意思是“意见”或“建议”。其区别在于:
  • 1.point of view指看问题的角度,着眼于对事物的考虑方法,多指别人的观点。例如:
  • It is wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view.用形而上学的观点来看待问题是错误的。
  • 2.opinion一般指对事物的看法,包括从纯个人的判断到较权威性的评论。例如:
  • He always imposes his opinion upon others.他总是把自己的意见强加于人。
  • The opinion is accepted as true.这个意见被认为是正确的。
  • Most of my classmates accord in that opinion.我们班大多数同学都是那个意见。
  • 3.counsel是正式用语,多指重要的或具有权威性的意见。例如:
  • You had better follow his counsel.你最好听从他的忠告。
  • They refused to listen to the old man's counsel.他们不听老人的劝告。
  • 4.view表示对某事物的特殊看法,特指个人学识与感情影响的意见,常用复数形式。例如:
  • His views are conservative.他的见解是保守的。
  • 5.advice通常指向某人提出意见或看法,促使对方去做或不做某事以免犯错误,有劝告的意味。例如:
  • He asked me to give him some advice.他请我给他提些建议。
  • I accepted his advice in buying a new car.我听了他的话买了辆新车。
  • She countered that her advice had not been heeded.她反驳说她的建议未被重视。
  • view, prospect, scene, scenery, sight
  • 这组词都有“景色”的意思。其区别是:
  • 1.prospect指从高处眺望所见到的景色,前景; scene指局部的、一眼可见全貌的风景或景色,不限于自然的风景,也常指(戏剧、电影、小说等的)场景、布景; scenery则指某一国家或某一地区的整体的自然风景; sight指眼见的景色,如供人游览之地的“景”或“景色”,尤指人工制成的景; view则主要指从高处俯视到的景色。例如:
  • The prospect from the hill is yet more beautiful.从山上眺望风景更为美丽。
  • The West Lake is remarkable for its scenery.西湖以其风景著名。
  • The Great Wall is one of the most breath-taking sights in the world.长城是世界上最惊人的壮观景象之一。
  • There is a lovely view from this window.从这个窗子可以看到一片秀丽的景色。
  • 2.view和scene所表达的景色都是scenery中的一部分,都可指眼里看到的每日自然的景色,但view是最一般的用语,而scene则是由“舞台场景”的意义引申而来的,用的少些。
  • advice,opinion,proposal,suggestion,recommendation,view
  • 这些名词均含“意见、建议”之意。
  • advice普通用词,侧重依据个人经验、学识和正确判断而提出的忠言。
  • opinion日常用词,泛指对某事物的想法和意见。
  • proposal指正式提出来供研究、采纳或实行的建议。
  • suggestion普通用词,语气比advice婉转客气,也不如proposal正式。着重为改进工作、解决困难等提出的建议,有时含所提建议不一定正确,仅供参考的意味。
  • recommendation指在自己经历的基础上而提出的有益建议、意见或忠告。
  • view侧重指对重大的或引起公众关注的问题所持的看法和态度。
  • opinion,view,sentiment,idea
  • 这些名词均含“意见、看法、见解”之意。
  • opinion普通用词,使用广泛,多指初步的或缺证据支持因而不十分肯定的意见或看法。
  • view侧重指个人对较广泛或重大问题所持的看法,常用复数形式。
  • sentiment着重指基于情感而非推理所得出的,已经固定了的看法,常用复数形式。
  • idea普通用词,通常指凭感觉和想象所形成的看法或意见。
  • scene,view,sight,scenery,landscape
  • 这些名词均含“景色、风景”之意。
  • scene指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可人工造成的。
  • view普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色。
  • sight侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光景色。也指人造景物或奇特的景色。
  • scenery指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。
  • landscape多指在内陆的自然风光。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    in view
      已提出的,计划好的already planned or suggested
    in view of
      由于,鉴于considering; taking into consideration
    keep in view
      把某人〔某物〕放在心里remember sb or sth as a possibility or for future consideration if a favorable chance comes
    on view
      展览着,陈列着being shown to the public
    with a view to
      为了,为的是with the intention of; in order to
    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词
    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词