virtual set

英 美
  • 虚拟演播室
  • set v.放置;设定;确定;规定;调整;分配;(太阳)落下去;将(宝石)镶嵌到(某物);配乐n.集合;组合;日落;一套;一副;一局比赛;舞台;姿态;头发的定型adj.规定的;固定的;不变的;做好准备的;固执的;不自然的
  • virtual adj.实质的;【计】虚拟的
    1. The virtual studio technology is one that synthesizes the real image shot by the TV-camera and the virtual scene created by the computer.
    2. The application of the virtual studio system is more and more universal in the production of television programs, and keying technology is the core of the system.