
英['vɒljuːmd] 美['vɒljuːmd]
  • v.把...集成卷(成团升起)adj.成卷的(大量的)
  • of prep.关于;...的(表所属);出身于;由于
  • poems (=polyneuropathy,organomegaly(hepatosplenomegaly),endocrinopathy,Mprotein,andskin)多神经病、器官巨大症(肝脾肿大)、内分泌病、M蛋白和皮肤病变(综合征)
  • volume n.卷;体积;册;音量;容量
  1. (often used in combination) consisting of or having a given number or kind of volumes;

    "the poet's volumed works"
    "a two-volumed history"
    "multi-volumed encyclopedias"
    "large-volumed editions"

  2. formed or rising in rounded masses;

    "gasping with the volumed smoke"

  3. furnished with volumes;

    "a large room volumed with ancient books"