wide range

英 美
  • adj.宽波段的;宽频带的;宽量程的;宽调节范围的;高射程的
  • range n.范围;射程;山脉;排;一系列;闲逛;炉灶;【数】值域,极差v.排列;使…站在某一方;延伸;漫游;射程达到(某距离)
  • wide adj.广泛的;广阔的;睁得大的;渊博的;偏离目标的adv.张的很大地;广阔地;没有完全获胜把握
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. TWT plays an important role as high power and wide band microwave generator and microwave amplifier.
    2. The optimal sizes of range blocks for each subband have been evaluated by experiments.The evaluated data is used in the hybrid image coding scheme.