wild beast

英 美
  • 野兽
  • beast n.兽;畜牲
  • wild adj.野生的;野蛮的;未开发的;狂热的adv.胡乱地;失去控制地n.荒野;荒地
    1. Often she fled from the wild beasts, forgetting that she was now a wild beast herself; and, bear as she was, was afraid of the bears.
      她不敢与野兽为伍,忘记了自己是兽国中的一员; 自身为熊,她却对熊望而生畏。
    2. My friend promised me to help me if we meet any wild beasts when we travelled through a forest, but when the bear came up, he hung back.
    3. Presently they came to a padded cell, in which could be heard a raging as of a wild beast.