wood screw

英 美
  • 木螺丝
  • screw n.螺钉;螺丝;螺状物;螺旋桨;螺旋;吝啬鬼;监狱看守人;性交;工资;薪水v.拧紧;拧;压榨;性交
  • wood n.木材;木头;树林
名词 woodscrew:
  1. a metal screw that tapers to a point so that it can be driven into wood with a screwdriver

    1. A wood screw will fill the breach until you can buy the proper bolt for the job.
    2. The vertical screw shipunloader is voiceless.
    3. This paper introduces the lower bear's improvement of screw grader.
    4. Wood screws are made in a wide variety of diameters and lengths.