
英['wɜːkh'aʊs] 美['wɜːkh'aʊs]
  • [法]感化院;教养院;贫民习艺所
  • history n.历史;历史学;对过去事情的记载;过去的事
  • work n.工作;职业;工作内容;职责;活计;工作所需的材料;工作地点;努力;工作成果;行为结果;作品v.工作;做事;使工作;争取;管理;运行;操作;奏效;产生…影响;造成;抽搐;逐渐移动[复]works:工厂;修建;机器部件;全套物品
名词 workhouse:
  1. a poorhouse where able-bodied poor are compelled to labor

  2. a county jail that holds prisoners for periods up to 18 months

    1. A few scandalous whores have been sent to the House of Correction.
    2. Neighbours spoke of their shock today at the tragedy in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, where the family's rundown Edwardian terrace house was sealed off by police.