year round

英 美
  • adj.全年的
  • round adj.圆的;球形的;丰满的;完整的;整数的;不确切的;大量的;坦率的;严厉粗暴的adv.环绕地;周长;调转方向;依次;到某处prep.围绕;在另一侧;四处n.一局(轮);常规活动;巡视;圆形物;(由一人给大家买的)一巡饮料;一整片面包;一阵(掌声);一发(子弹)v.绕行;弄圆;使成为整数
  • year n.年;年度;年龄;学年
形容词 year-round:
  1. operating or continuing throughout the year

    1. He swims in the sea all year round.
    2. This wine cellar stays at an even temperature all year round.
    3. Oranges abound here all the year round.
      这 一年到头都有很多橙子。
    4. It snows all the year round in that distant little village.