
英[ˌhi:nə'jɑ:nə] 美[ˌhinə'jɑnə]
  • n. 小乘佛教
  • hindenburg 兴登堡(波兰南部城市扎布热)
  • hinder v.阻碍;打扰adj.后面的
  • hindermost adj.后面的
  • hindgut n.[解]后肠;尾肠
  • hindi adj.北印度的n.北印度语;北印度人
  1. a major school of Buddhism teaching personal salvation through one's own efforts

  2. an offensive name for the early conservative Theravada Buddhism; it died out in India but survived in Sri Lanka and was taken from there to other regions of southwestern Asia

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The Dai people believe in both original religion and Hinayana Buddhism, which engender important and all-round influence to the culture of the Dai nationality.
