
英 美
  • 帕拉梅斯
  • par n.同等;等位;常态;票面价值;[体]标准杆数adj.票面的;平常的;标准的
  • par- (=para-)表示“侧面,超越”之义(用于元音之前)
  • par-excellence adj.卓越的;出类拔萃的adv.杰出地;卓越地;出类拔萃地
  • par. n.段
  • para n.帕拉(南斯拉夫币);帕拉胶abbr.伞兵(=paratrooper)abbr.段(=paragraph)
    1. But his media adviser Eladio Parames has now confirmed that Mourinho would be willing to listen to any approach from the Football Association.
    2. Mourinho has been linked with a number of leading vacancies following his departure from Stamford Bridge, but Parames insisted he is yet to be formally approached about any job.