
英['pærə] 美['pærə]
  • n.帕拉(南斯拉夫币);帕拉胶abbr.伞兵(=paratrooper)abbr.段(=paragraph)
  • par n.同等;等位;常态;票面价值;[体]标准杆数adj.票面的;平常的;标准的
  • par- (=para-)表示“侧面,超越”之义(用于元音之前)
  • par-excellence adj.卓越的;出类拔萃的adv.杰出地;卓越地;出类拔萃地
  • par. n.段
  • para n.帕拉(南斯拉夫币);帕拉胶abbr.伞兵(=paratrooper)abbr.段(=paragraph)
    n. (名词)
    1. <口>伞兵
    2. 帕拉(南斯拉夫辅币名,等于1/100第纳尔)
    3. <口>帕拉胶
    4. 旧指一种土耳其铜币帕拉(=1/40比塞塔)
    5. 巴西制造的一种驱逐舰名称
    abbr. (缩略词)
    1. (=paragraph) 段
    2. (=parachute) 降落伞
    pref. (前缀)
    1. 表示侧面
    2. 表示平行
    3. 表示错误


  1. (obstetrics) the number of liveborn children a woman has delivered;

    "the parity of the mother must be considered"
    "a bipara is a woman who has given birth to two children"

  2. 100 para equal 1 dinar in Yugoslavia

  3. a soldier in the paratroops

  4. an estuary in northern Brazil into which the Tocantins River flows

  5. port city in northern Brazil in the Amazon delta; main port and commercial center for the Amazon River basin

    用作缩略词 (abbr.)
    1. The new para was almost kicked out of the cabin .
    2. Richard decided to attend jump school and become a para.
    用作缩略词 (abbr.)
    1. See para. 15 of the handbook.