
英['eəri] 美['eri]
  • adj.通风的;轻快的;幻想的;航空的
airily airier airiest airiness
  • air n.空气;天空;空中;感觉;神态;曲调;装腔作势v.晾干;使通风;广播
  • density n.密度;浓度;比重
  • flux n.流量;变迁;助熔剂vt.使熔化;使泻;涨vi.熔化
  • gas n.煤气;气体;汽油;空话vt.使吸入毒气;毒(死);给...加汽油vi.空谈;加汽油
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 通风的
    2. 空气的
    3. 轻率的
    4. 空中的
    5. 轻快的
    6. 轻而薄的
    7. 优美的
    8. 快活的
    9. 大气的
    10. 高耸入云的
    11. 虚幻的
    12. 出于空想的
    13. 欢乐的
    14. 做作的
    15. 高傲的
    16. 有微风的
    17. 空气流通的
    18. 无忧无虑的
    19. 无所谓的
    20. 漫不经心的


  1. open to or abounding in fresh air;

    "airy rooms"

  2. not practical or realizable; speculative;

    "airy theories about socioeconomic improvement"
    "visionary schemes for getting rich"

  3. having little or no perceptible weight; so light as to resemble air;

    "airy gauze curtains"

  4. characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air;

    "figures light and aeriform come unlooked for and melt away"
    "aerial fancies"
    "an airy apparition"
    "physical rather than ethereal forms"

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. The large window makes the room seem airy.
    2. The waiting-room at the airport was airy and spacious.
    3. He dismissed her with an airy wave.
    4. I tried my best to assume an airy manner.
    5. Nothing results from his airy plan.