
英[ɑːk] 美[ɑːrk]
  • n. 弧;弧形物
  • vi. 形成电弧;按弧形轨迹行进
arced/arcked arced/arcked arcing/arcking arcs
  • arca 槟榔树
  • arcade n.拱廊;有拱廊的街道;游乐中心
  • arcaded adj.成为拱廊街道的;有列拱的
  • arcadianism 田园风趣
  • arcady n.古希腊一山区世外桃源.
    n. (名词)
    1. 电弧,弧光
    2. 弧,弧线
    3. 弧形,弧形物
    4. 弓形,弓形物
    5. 拱(洞)
    6. 圆弧(形)
    7. 弓形滑接器
    8. 原义天穹
    9. 扇形物
    10. 弧度
    abbr. (缩略词)
    1. =Agricultural Research Council 农业研究委员会
    2. =American Red Cross 美国红十字会
    v. (动词)
    1. 弯弯地挂
    2. 形成电弧,产生电弧,发生弧光,电弧放电
    3. 走弧线,作弧形运动,沿弧线飞行
    4. 按弧形轨迹行进
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]弧,弧形 part of a curved line or circle
    2. [C]弧形物 thing with this shape


  1. electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field

  2. a continuous portion of a circle

  3. something curved in shape

  1. form an arch or curve;

    "her back arches"
    "her hips curve nicely"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The first figure is an arc followed by a line.
    2. The beach swept around in an arc.
    3. His arm described an arc in the air.
    4. The rainbow formed a beautiful arc in the sky.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The sun appears to move in an arc across the sky.
    2. When the moon is new it looks like an arc of light in the sky.
n. (名词)
  1. arc的基本意思是“弧,弧形”,指圆周或其他曲线的一部分,用于比喻则表示“弧形物”。
n. (名词)
arc, arch, bow, curve
  • 这四个词都指“弯曲,曲线”。curve含意最广,指任何一种不中断但不断改变方向的曲线; arc指弧线; arch指弓形物,拱门等; bow则指射箭用的弓,弓形物,指弯曲到“U”形之物。
  • 词源解说

    • ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的arc,意为弧,弓,拱形。
    用作名词 (n.)
    形容词+~ ~+名词 ~+介词