
英[ə'sʌmptɪv] 美[ə'sʌmptɪv]
  • adj.假定的;想当然的;自负的;傲慢的
  • ass n.驴;愚蠢的人;臀部,屁股adv.(常用作后置)用于贬损或骂人
  • ass'y 组立名;公座;
  • ass-colt 幼驴
  • ass-kicking adj.强力的;有进取心的;特棒的
  • ass-kisser 无耻的拍马者
  1. excessively forward;

    "an assumptive person"
    "on a subject like this it would be too assuming for me to decide"
    "the duchess would not put up with presumptuous servants"

  2. accepted as real or true without proof;

    "the assumed reason for his absence"
    "assumptive beliefs"

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. The assumptive adherence of the tumour to the choroids plexus was probably disrupted by the haematoma.
