
英[ə'teɪn] 美[ə'teɪn]
  • v.实现;获得;达到
attainable attainability attained attained attaining attains
  • att n.美国电话电报公司
  • att. (=attending)照顾,护理
  • atta n.渺(微微微;毫尘)
  • Attaalaah 阿塔拉
  • Attaan 阿坦
    v. (动词)
    1. 达到
    2. 获得
    3. 得到
    4. 遂(愿)
    5. 到达
    6. 达到的
    7. 实现
    8. 具有
    9. 具备
    10. 完成
    11. 取得成就
    n. (名词)
    1. 成就
    2. 造诣
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. & vi. 实现,达到,得到 succeed in getting (sth); achieve


  1. to gain with effort;

    "she achieved her goal despite setbacks"

  2. reach a point in time, or a certain state or level;

    "The thermometer hit 100 degrees"
    "This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour"

  3. find unexpectedly;

    "the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb"
    "she struck a goldmine"
    "The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake"

  4. reach a destination, either real or abstract;

    "We hit Detroit by noon"
    "The water reached the doorstep"
    "We barely made it to the finish line"
    "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. We can attain whatever goal we set in our mind.
    2. We should be able to attain that goal.
    3. The country attained its independence in 1972.
    4. They're sure to attain emancipation in the end.
    5. I'm determined to attain my purpose at any cost.
    6. She pulls every string to attain the end.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. He attained the position of minister.
    2. She attained her ambition of becoming a pilot.
    3. She attained rank of deputy director.
    4. India attained independence in 1947, after decades of struggle.
    5. He has attained the highest grade in his music exams.
    6. Most of our students attained five “A” grades in their exams.
    7. By scrambling we attained the top of the hill.
    8. Grandfather has attained the top of 90.
    9. He survived the war and attained a great age.
    10. Jack has attained a height of six feet.
    11. These trains are capable of attaining very high speeds.
    12. The cheetah can attain speeds of up to 97 kph.
v. (动词)
  1. attain的意思是“达到,得到,实现”,指怀有较大抱负或较强烈愿望、有意识地实现或达到一般人能力不易达到的目的,其宾语多为目的、理想或成就等。attain也可表示“到达”一定的距离、年龄或高度等。
  2. attain用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,用作不及物动词时常与介词to连用,介词宾语多为名望、职务、权力、知识或某种理想的境界等。
v. (动词)
attain, achieve, acquire, earn, gain, get, obtain, secure, win
  • 这组词的共同意思是“取得; 获得”。其区别是:
  • 1.除secure是正式用词外,其余各词均为一般用词。
  • 2.achieve主要指取得成功、成就或实现预期目的; acquire主要指逐渐获得知识、能力、荣誉等; attain主要指达到重要目标或获得珍贵的东西; earn凭借功劳赚得或获得工资、报酬、荣誉、赞赏等; gain主要指获得或赢得有一定价值的东西; get指以各种方式获得各种所需或不需之物; obtain指获得所需之物或达到预期目的; secure指得到渴望或竞争性的东西; win指在竞争、比赛、争论或战斗中击败对手而赢得胜利或获得人们的爱戴〔好感〕等。
  • 3.achieve指克服困难之后而获得; acquire, attain, earn指通过努力而获得; gain指通过巨大努力而获得; obtain多指通过长期努力而获得,有时也指无须经过努力; 其他各词不强调通过努力与否; get可指通过各种方式获得; earn还指凭借功劳而赚得; win还指通过作出优异成绩而赢得。
  • 4.achieve强调结果; acquire强调量的增加; attain含有达到完美地步的意味; gain强调所获得之物能够造成的优势; obtain强调愿望得到满足; secure强调有把握或成功地获得。
  • 5.get是这组同义词中的最常用词,可指主动争取,也可指被动接受,有时不一定需要很大努力就能获得; acquire指持续,慢慢地获得,强调过程; 而earn, gain都强调经过艰苦努力而获得的这一结果, gain比obtain所付出的努力还要大些; win则指在竞赛中或战斗中赢得或获得胜利,可以通过努力获得,也可以偶然获得。例如:
  • He did not get what he had earned他未获得他应得到的东西。
  • The ability to use a language can be acquired by the act of using the language.运用语言的能力,只能通过不断练习才能获得。
  • She gained rich experience in teaching.她获得了丰富的教学经验。
  • I've got your telegram.我已经收到了你的电报。
  • We wished to obtain first-hand information.我们要能得到第一手情报就好了。
  • Industry won him his success.勤奋使他获得了成功。
  • 6.acquire的宾语多为知识、技能等; earn的宾语多为金钱、荣誉等理应得到的东西; obtain的宾语多为期望已久的东西; gain的宾语多为经验、利益、优势、好处等; 而win的宾语则为比赛、战斗等; get的宾语则比较广泛,即既可以是具体的东西,也可以是抽象的事物。例如:
  • He got what he had earned.他获得了他应得到的东西。
  • You must work hard to acquire good knowledge of English.你要用功,以便精通英语。
  • Our firm has gained a good reputation.我们公司赢得了好名声。
  • Then I'll go and get you a chair.我去给你拿把椅子来。
  • At last, he obtained his father's pardon.他终于得到了父亲的原谅。
  • They won the basketball match.他们打赢了这场篮球赛。
  • 7.这组动词都可跟简单宾语。get, earn, gain, obtain, secure和win可跟双宾语; secure还可跟wh-从句; win还可跟含不定式的复合宾语。此外, gain和win有时还可用作不及物动词。acquire和attain常跟抽象名词。
  • 8.attain常用于庄重场合。win语气比gain强。
  • attain,reach,achieve,arrive
  • 这些动词均有“达到”之意。
  • attain侧重指在抱负或雄心的激励下,以最大的努力去达到一般所不及或不敢追求的目的。
  • reach常用词,指到达某一空间、时间、目标或发展过程中的某一点。
  • achieve侧重为达到目的所需的技巧、忍耐和努力。
  • arrive指得出结论,达成某项协议或作出某一决定等。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    attain to (v.+prep.)
      〈正〉达到,获致gain; arrive at
      attain to sth

      This plant attains to a height of 10ft.


      He attained to man's estate.


      At last he attained to fame.


      He tried in vain to attain to fame.


    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+介词