big wheel

英 美
  • n.大人物(大享;要人;有权势的人)
  • big adj.大的;重要的;有雄心的;受欢迎的adv.宏大地;夸大地;成功地n.杰出的组织和个人
  • wheel n.方向盘;车轮;旋转;周期vi.旋转;转动;改变方向vt.用车运;转动;给...装轮子
  1. an important influential person;

    "he thinks he's a big shot"
    "she's a big deal in local politics"
    "the Qaeda commander is a very big fish"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. His father is a big wheel in the government.
    2. Just because Bill is treasurer of our pub's Christmas savings club he thinks he's a financial wizard, but he's only a big fish in a small pond.
