
英[bɪŋ] 美['bɪŋ]
  • n.材料堆;必应(搜索引擎名)
  • binder n.缚者;用以绑缚之物;活页封面;粘合剂;活页夹
  • reaper reaper:n.;收割者;收割机
动词 be:
  1. have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)

  2. be identical to; be someone or something

  3. occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere "The toolshed is in the back"

  4. have an existence, be extant

  5. happen, occur, take place

  6. be identical or equivalent to

  7. form or compose

  8. work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function

  9. represent, as of a character on stage

  10. spend or use time

  11. have life, be alive

  12. to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form

  13. be priced at

    1. Aging ex-opera czar Sir Rudolf Bing and his wife flew here from London yesterday to face the music in a long-running legal battle over their marriage.