
英[blɑːst] 美[blæst]
  • n.爆炸;巨响;一阵(强风);严厉的批评;愉快的经历v.爆破;摧毁;发出巨响;用力撞击;批评
blaster blasted blasted blasting blasts
    n. (名词)
    1. 爆炸,爆破
    2. 冲击波
    3. 疾风,狂风,强风
    4. 气浪
    5. 突然吹奏
    6. <美俚>狂欢会,狂欢
    7. 猛烈的批评
    8. 狠狠的一击
    9. 一阵,一股
    10. 爆炸声
    11. 【冶】鼓风
    12. 喷气;喷焰
    13. 管乐器声
    14. 汽笛声
    15. 【生物】未成熟细胞,(未成熟或发育不全的)胚细胞
    v. (动词)
    1. 爆破,爆炸
    2. 吹奏
    3. 强烈谴责,严厉批评,猛烈抨击
    4. 诅咒
    5. 击毙
    6. 轰击;大肆攻击;狠打;猛攻
    7. 飞速行进
    8. 摧毁,损毁,损伤,毁坏
    9. 喷出;爆发出
    10. 使爆炸;进行爆破;炸掉
    11. 发出尖响;发出刺耳的高音;轰鸣
    12. 使枯萎;冻死
    13. 炸,炸开,炸出,炸掉,炸毁
    14. (使)枯萎,害枯萎病
    15. 把…炸成碎片
    16. 猛踢
    17. 引起爆炸,放炮
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]爆炸 an explosion
    2. [C]一阵(疾风等),一股(强烈的气流) a sudden strong movement of wind or air
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 炸开,爆破 destroy by explosion
    2. vt. 摧毁,毁坏 shine brightly
    3. vt. 严责,苛责 reproach sb severely


  1. a very long fly ball

  2. a sudden very loud noise

  3. a strong current of air;

    "the tree was bent almost double by the gust"

  4. an explosion (as of dynamite)

  5. a highly pleasurable or exciting experience;

    "we had a good time at the party"
    "celebrating after the game was a blast"

  6. intense adverse criticism;

    "Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party"
    "the government has come under attack"
    "don't give me any flak"

  1. make a strident sound;

    "She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone"

  2. hit hard;

    "He smashed a 3-run homer"

  3. use explosives on;

    "The enemy has been shelling us all day"

  4. apply a draft or strong wind to to;

    "the air conditioning was blasting cold air at us"

  5. create by using explosives;

    "blast a passage through the mountain"

  6. make with or as if with an explosion;

    "blast a tunnel through the Alps"

  7. fire a shot;

    "the gunman blasted away"

  8. criticize harshly or violently;

    "The press savaged the new President"
    "The critics crucified the author for plagiarizing a famous passage"

  9. shatter as if by explosion

  10. shrivel or wither or mature imperfectly

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. 27 school children were injured in the blast.
    2. A blast of the trumpet gave her a start.
    3. A blast of wind blew my hat off.
    4. The press responded to his remarks with a blast of criticism.
    5. It was a great trip! we had a real blast!
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. A massive car bomb blasted the police headquarters.
    2. Frost blasted the blossoms.
    3. Rock music blasted full from the parlor.
    4. Rain blasted the window of my room.
    5. The proposal is blasted as pathetic and inadequate.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Police say that the blast occurred at 9 am.
    2. A blast of hot air came from the furnace.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. The soldiers are blasting the rocks.
    2. The wind blasted the cherry blossom.
    3. The storm has blasted our grape.
    4. Failure in the exam blasted his hopes for college.
    5. In his campaign speech he blasted the opposition.
    6. 1
    7. The tunnel was blasted.
    8. The rock has been blasted to make a passage for the road.
    9. The tree had been blasted by lightning.
    10. All his hopes were blasted by the war.
v. (动词)
  1. blast的基本意思是“以猛烈的冲击迅速地、严重地或出其不意地毁坏或伤害”,强调的是以摧枯拉朽之势彻底地毁坏,后果十分严重。可引申指严厉地斥责。
n. (名词)
blast, breeze, gale, wind
  • 这组词都有“风”的意思。其区别在于:
  • 1.wind是一个笼统的词,是泛指由于空气的自然流动而产生的风,风速可快可慢,风力可大可小,可以指强劲的,也可以指柔和的; blast是一股强劲的气流,不一定是自然产生的,风速较大,强劲而突然,指“狂风”或“暴风”; breeze指“轻风”“微风”“温和的微风”; gale指7级到11级的烈风、强风。例如:
  • The dentist gave my tooth a blast to dry the filling.牙医朝我的牙吹风使补牙材料干结。
  • A gust of wind billowed the sleeves and skirts of women's dresses.一股劲风把妇女们的衣袖和裙子吹得像波浪一样翻动。
  • The banner fluttered in the breeze.旗帜在微风中飘扬。
  • We got our roof blown off in the gale last night.昨夜的大风把我们的房顶给掀掉了。
  • 2.用spring breeze指“春风”比用wind更为确切。例如:
  • The soft spring breeze caressed my face and I felt refreshed.柔和的春风吹拂着我的脸,使我觉得神清气爽。
  • v. (动词)
    blast, blight, nip
  • 这组词都有“毁坏”的意思,其区别是:
  • blast最为严重,常表示彻底地毁坏; 而blight原指恶劣天气或病虫害使植物枯萎,用于引申意义时,侧重因外界因素而带来破坏性的改变; nip则侧重于用力捏、刺、挟或从中切割。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    (at) full blast
      全力地; 全速地 as hard or as fast as possible
    用作动词 (v.)
    blast into (v.+prep.)
      把…送入… send to some place
      blast sb/sth into sth

      A Titan 2 rocket blasted him into space yesterday.


      They blasted her into a black room.


      The mother blasted her son into school.


      The rocket was blasted into space.


      His little dog was blasted into hospital.


    blast off (v.+adv.)
      炸掉,炸毁(某物); (宇宙飞行器)点火起飞 raise or remove (sth) by an explosion; rise into space
      blast off

      The rocket blasted off on schedule.


      The rocket blasted off at Cape Kennedy at 8:00 a.m. this morning.


      blast sth ⇔ off

      The bomb blasted the roof off.


      They blasted the space off at 15:30, according to plan.


      The country blasted off another man-made satellite.


    用作名词 (n.)
    形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+介词
    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词