United States rocket engineer (born in Germany where he designed a missile used against England); he led the United States Army team that put the first American satellite into space (1912-1977)
1. We assert that the Braun - Blanquet approach does not fall short.
我们坚信其它分类途径比之 Braun -Blanquet途径,仍然是有所不足.
2. In the Braun - Blaoquet school the description of synusial associations was not confined to cryptogam communities.
在 Braun -Blaoquet学派中,层片群丛的描述不限于隐花植物群落.
3. Braun anastomosis or Roux - en - Y anastomosis is usually the remedy of cure.
Braun吻合术、 Roux -en-Y吻合术为较理想的术式.
4. Wernher von Braun ( 1912 - 1977 ) was a romantic person in the field of rocket.