
英[briːm] 美[briːm]
  • n. 鲤科淡水鱼
  • v. 打扫;清除
bream breamed breamed breaming breams
  • breach n.破坏;违背;决裂;裂口;(浪的)冲击v.违反;突破;在...上打开缺口
  • bread n.面包vt.在...上撒面包屑
  • breadbasket n.胃;装面包的篮子;谷物主产地
  • breadbox 面包箱,面包盒
  • breadless adj.无面包的(缺粮食的)
  1. flesh of various freshwater fishes of North America or of Europe

  2. flesh of any of various saltwater fishes of the family Sparidae or the family Bramidae

  3. any of numerous marine percoid fishes especially (but not exclusively) of the family Sparidae

  4. any of various usually edible freshwater percoid fishes having compressed bodies and shiny scales; especially (but not exclusively) of the genus Lepomis

  1. clean (a ship's bottom) with heat

1. If my bream comes true, I will have lots of money.
如果我的梦想成真, 我将有很多钱.


2. Namely: Ao flowers, flower bream, Kyrgyzstan spent.
即: 鳌花 、 鳊花 、 吉花.


3. Seafood, Frozen Fish Ie Black Pomfret, Indian Mackeral, Spanish Mackeral, Yellowtail Scad, Treadfin Bream.
采购产品海鲜, 冷冻鱼即黑鲳鱼,鲭鱼, 印度, 西班牙鲭鱼, 鲹鱼.


4. Flounder, turbot and sea bream are all the important marine - culture fishes in China.
牙鲆 、 大菱鲆、真鲷是当前我国重要的海水养殖鱼类.
