
英[brɪm] 美[brɪm]
  • n.边;边缘v.(装)满;(使)溢出
brimmed brimmed brimming brims
  • brilliant adj.卓越的;灿烂的;美妙的;杰出的;才华横溢的n.宝石
  • varnish n.油漆;掩饰;光泽面;指甲油v.粉饰;涂油漆于;使光亮
    n. (名词)
    1. 帽边
    2. 水边
    3. 岸边
    4. 内边缘
    5. 板边
    6. 泉华垣
    7. 边缘
    8. 边沿
    9. 帽檐
    10. 水面
    11. (河)边
    12. 水边的水
    13. 海面
    v. (动词)
    1. (使)满
    2. 注满
    3. 充满
    4. (使)溢出
    5. 漫出
    6. 把(容器)装满
    7. 倒满
    8. 洋溢着
    9. 装满
    10. 噙着
    11. 用盐水处理
    12. 盛满
    13. (使)满溢
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 有…边的
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]边,边缘 the top edge of a cup,bowl,etc.,especially with regard to how full it is
    v. (动词)
    1. vi. 注满 be full to the brim


  1. the top edge of a vessel or other container

  2. a circular projection that sticks outward from the crown of a hat

  1. be completely full;

    "His eyes brimmed with tears"

  2. fill as much as possible;

    "brim a cup to good fellowship"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He drank at the fountain's brim.
    2. The heart-shaped brim and brown velvet ribbon around the hat add a lovel accent.
    3. Nevertheless, the brim part of design is not very ideal.
    4. With a dim triumph, she trims the swimming-suit rim at the swimming-pool brim.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. The tea cup was filled to the brim.
    2. The plum trees bloom and brim over with prime plump plums.
    3. The pain grows stronger, watch it brim.
    4. Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and poured it in until the jar was filled to the brim.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The glass was full to the brim.
    2. You can wear the hat with the brim turned up or down.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作不及物动词 S+~(+A)
    1. Tears brimmed in her eyes.
n. (名词)
brim, brink, edge, margin, rim, verge
  • 这组词都有“边”“边沿”的意思。
  • 1.edge指物体两平面交接处的边缘或边线; brink指悬崖峭壁的边缘; brim指如壶、杯、碗等各种形状容器的内侧边缘,也指帽子的边; rim指任何圆形物体的缘、周或边; verge指一平面或广阔区域的尽头,也常指道路的边缘; margin指书页的空白边缘,也可指物体的边缘。
  • 2.用在比喻中, edge指尖锐性、严峻性等; verge表示濒临某种感情或行动的状态; margin的意思是“留有余地”; brink常用于借喻中,指濒临某种危险。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    brim over (v.+adv.)
      满得快溢出来(of a cup,container,etc.) be so full of a liquid that it flows over the edge
      brim over

      You've filled the glass too full;it's brimming over.


    brim with (v.+prep.)
      充满,洋溢(of a cup,container,etc.) be so full of a liquid that it flows over the edge
      brim with sth

      His eyes brimmed with tears.


      brim over with sth

      Her heart was brimming over with happiness.
