
英[bʌlk] 美[bʌlk]
  • n.体积;容积;大块;大部分;大批adj.散装的;大量的vt.使膨胀;使成堆vi.膨胀;显得重要
bulked bulked bulking bulks
    n. (名词)
    1. 散装货物,货物,船货
    2. 体积,容积,大小
    3. 主体,大部分,大多数
    4. 大块,大团,巨大的东西,庞然大物,巨大
    5. 肥大的身躯
    6. 纤维性物质
    7. 大批,大量
    8. 货舱
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 散装的,不包装成单包的
    2. 大量的,大批的,大宗的
    3. 松散的
    4. 整体的
    5. 笨重的
    6. 体积内的
    7. 总的,合计的
    v. (动词)
    1. 显得巨大,显得庞大,显得大
    2. 变得重要,显得重要,是…的最重要部份
    3. 扩大,增大,胀大,膨胀,变得越来越大
    4. 使扩大,使膨胀,使增大,使某物加大
    5. 堆积,堆积起来
    6. 扩展
    7. 发福
    8. 形成大块,形成大量
    9. 增加
    10. 使(某物)成大块,使形成大量,使成堆
    11. 将(鱼)堆积如山
    12. 使膨胀,使隆起,使暴增
    13. 把…装满,填,塞
    14. 给…更大体积
    n. (名词)
    1. [U](巨大)物体,(大)块,(大)团 largeness of size, shape, or mass
    2. [S]主体,绝大部分 the main or largest part
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. & vi. 变得巨大〔重要〕 appear important or play an important part


  1. the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part;

    "the majority of his customers prefer it"
    "the bulk of the work is finished"

  2. the property of something that is great in magnitude;

    "it is cheaper to buy it in bulk"
    "he received a mass of correspondence"
    "the volume of exports"

  3. the property possessed by a large mass

  1. stick out or up;

    "The parcel bulked in the sack"

  2. cause to bulge or swell outwards

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. It's not their weight that makes these sacks hard to carry, it's their bulk.
    2. He heaved his huge bulk out of the chair.
    3. The bulk of the work has already been done.
    4. The great bulk of necessary work can never be anything but painful.
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. We can manage some bulk carrier within two week.
    2. I recommend you a bulk buy.
    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. A dozen petticoats bulked out her figure.
    用作不及物动词 (vi.)
    1. The cake bulked up.
    2. The war still bulks large in the memories of those who fought in it.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Great bulk does not always mean great weight.
    2. The elephant lowered its great bulk.
    3. The baby needs more bulk in his diet.
n. (名词)
  1. bulk用作名词的基本意思是“(大的)体积,容积”,用于人或有空间体积的有形物质,是不可数名词,用于人或动物时可作“巨大的身躯”解。
  2. bulk还可作“纤维性物质”解。
  3. the bulk of的意思是“大部分,主要部分”。接可数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式,接不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式。
n. (名词)
bulk, size
  • 这两个词都可指某物在数量、程度、型号上的“大小”。其区别是:
  • 1.bulk不指准确的度量,只表示相当大的量; size则相对准确些。例如:
  • Great bulk does not always mean great weight.体积大并不意味着分量重。
  • 2.size可指“尺寸,号码”, bulk没有这种用法。例如:
  • What size shoes do you want?—I want size seven.你要哪号码的鞋子?——我要7号的。
  • bulk, the larger part
  • 这两个词(组)的共同意思是“大部分”。后者只用于看得见、摸得着的东西; 前者适用于无形物质。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    in bulk
      整批,不加包装 in large quantities and not packed in separate containers
    the bulk of
      大部分,主要部分 main part of sth
    用作动词 (v.)
    bulk out( v.+adv. )
      使…更大〔更厚〕 make sth bigger or thicker
      bulk sth ⇔ out

      They added extra pages to bulk a book out.


    bulk up( v.+adv. )
      增加,积累 increase
      bulk up

      Your money could bulk up to a fortune if you save everything you can.


    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ ~+名词 介词+~ ~+介词
    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+形容词 ~+副词