
英[bɜː(r)] 美[bɜːr]
  • n.粗喉音;毛边;芒刺v.粗喉音说;形成毛边;去除毛边=bur.
burred burred burring burrs
  • bur n.芒刺;毛刺;毛口;颤音v.发出颤音;形成毛口;去除毛口=burr.
  • bur-bark 伯巴克纤维
  • Bur-Zin 是一种止痒药(含醋酸铝和氧化锌)
  • Bur. n.芒刺;毛刺;毛口;颤音v.发出颤音;形成毛口;去除毛口=burr.
  • Bura 布拉人
    n. (名词)
    1. 呼呼声
    2. 有芒刺的草
    3. 小垫圈
    4. 圆头锉
    5. 牙钻
    6. 毛边
    7. 【植】刺果
    8. 刺球状花序
    9. 毛口
    10. 粘附着的东西
    11. 磨石
    12. 臼石
    13. 颤动小舌的r音
    14. 颤动舌尖的r音
    15. 粗浊的地方音
    16. 粗喉音
    17. 伯尔
    18. 粗磨(刀)石
    19. 【机】垫圈
    v. (动词)
    1. 发颤动小舌的r音
    2. 粗声粗气地说话
    3. 以粗喉音发出
    4. 从…除去芒刺
    5. 在…上形成毛边
    6. 用粗喉音说话
    7. 发音粗浊
    8. 去毛边
    9. 去毛刺
    10. 发出嗡嗡声
    11. 不清楚发音
    12. 使形成毛边(毛口)
    13. 从(金属)磨去毛边(毛口)
    14. 形成毛边
    15. 去除毛边


  1. seed vessel having hooks or prickles

  2. rough projection left on a workpiece after drilling or cutting

  3. United States politician who served as vice president under Jefferson; he mortally wounded his political rival Alexander Hamilton in a duel and fled south (1756-1836)

  4. rotary file for smoothing rough edges left on a workpiece

  5. small bit used in dentistry or surgery

  1. remove the burrs from

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. She speaks with a soft rural burr.
    2. A burr should not form too easily, or be too large.
    3. The winter's forst must rend the burr of the nut before the fruit is seen.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. The phones in Europe don't seem to ring; they burr.