
英['seləndaɪn] 美['seləndaɪn]
  • n. 白屈菜
  • celbenin n.[生化]二甲氧苯基青霉素钠
  • celeb n.著名人士
  • celebes n.西里伯斯岛(印尼苏拉威西岛之旧称)
  • celebrant n.司仪神父;宗教礼仪主持人;庆祝活动的参与者
  • celebrate v.庆祝;庆贺;颂扬
  1. North American annual plant with usually yellow or orange flowers; grows chiefly on wet rather acid soil

  2. perennial herb with branched woody stock and bright yellow flowers

1. The meadow, but a little while the heart - shaped celandine leaves will come in their accustomed place.
草地上好像什么也没长, 不多一会儿,白屈菜的心脏形叶子会在原来的地方出现.

