
英[tʃɔːk] 美[tʃɔːk]
  • n.粉笔;白垩v.用粉笔写;记录;使变白;归咎
chalky chalkiness chalked chalked chalking chalks
  • cha n.茶
  • cha-cha n.恰恰舞(一种源自拉丁美洲节奏明快的交际舞)
  • cha-cha-cha n.恰恰舞(一种源自拉丁美洲节奏明快的交际舞)
  • cha-chaed v.跳恰恰舞
  • cha-chaing n.恰恰舞(一种源自拉丁美洲节奏明快的交际舞)
    n. (名词)
    1. 粉笔,彩色粉笔
    2. 白垩
    3. 用粉笔划的记号
    4. 比赛的得分,得分纪录
    5. 记入借方的款项,贷款的记帐
    6. 牛奶
    7. 碳酸钙
    8. 截然不同,天渊之别
    9. 制造白色或彩色粉笔的白垩
    10. 像白垩的物质
    11. 防滑粉
    v. (动词)
    1. 用粉笔写、画、作记号
    2. 使变白,使苍白
    3. 规划
    4. 用白垩粉擦
    5. 打...的图样,画出…的草图
    6. 灰化
    7. 从…中吸取教训
    8. 得(分),获得,取得(成功)记录
    9. 成功
    10. 记下,记录
    11. 把某事归因于
    12. 撒白垩于,往(田里)施白垩
    13. 变成白垩状
    n. (名词)
    1. [U]制造白色或彩色粉笔的白垩 this or a similar substance made into white or coloured sticks for writing or drawing on blackboard
    2. [U][C]粉笔 one of these sticks
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 用粉笔写、画、作记号 mark, write, or draw with chalk


  1. a soft whitish calcite

  2. a pure flat white with little reflectance

  3. an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride; used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant

  4. a piece of calcite or a similar substance, usually in the shape of a crayon, that is used to write or draw on blackboards or other flat surfaces

  1. write, draw, or trace with chalk

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.
    2. The teacher's chalk grated on the blackboard.
    3. My father said cement couldn't be made from chalk.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. The boys chalked out goalposts on the playground wall.
    2. He chalked out a simple plan of the new building.
    3. Our team has chalked up a record score for the season.
    4. The team has chalked up its fifth win in a row.
    5. You shouldn't chalk that up to experience.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The teacher wrote with a stick of chalk.
    2. They were drawing patterns on the blackboard in colored chalks.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. The inspector chalked OK on my bag.
    2. Chalk down the song on the blackboard, please.
n. (名词)
  1. chalk的基本意思是指“制造白色或彩色粉笔的白垩”,表示一种物质,是不可数名词。
  2. 作“粉笔”讲时,一般用作不可数名词,但说“各种颜色的粉笔”时,则要用复数。表示“一支粉笔”时用a piece of chalk,“两支粉笔”用two pieces of chalk,“一盒粉笔”用a box of chalk,“一盒彩色粉笔”用a box of coloured chalks。
v. (动词)
  1. chalk的基本意思是“用粉笔写、画、作记号”,是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。
用作名词 (n.)
as different as chalk and cheese
    截然不同,本质上完全不同 entirely different
by a long chalk
    大大地,很大程度上 by a wide margin
用作动词 (v.)
chalk out (v.+adv.)
    概略地说明 describe sth in words in a general way
chalk up (v.+adv.)
    归因于 record on sb's or one's own account
    chalk sth ⇔ up

    We shall chalk up his good points.


    The results were chalked up on the blackboard as soon as they came in.


    Several important milestones in foreign policy have been passed by this Congress and they can be chalked up as major accomplishments.


    He may accept your apology, but the offence will be chalked up against you.


    chalk up

    In the first six months of this year the hotel-owner will have chalked up, round the world, thirteen opening ceremonies.


    chalk sth ⇔ up

    The team chalked up another victory last week.


    chalk sth ⇔ up to sth/v-ing

    She noticed herself getting tired easily.She chalked it up to getting older.


    His failure can be chalked up to lack of experience.


用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ ~+名词 介词+~
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+副词
