
英['tʃɒpə(r)] 美['tʃɑːpər]
  • n.砍劈者;斧头;砍刀;切碎机;直升机;摩托车;一副假牙
choppered choppered choppering choppers
  • Cho n.曹
  • Cho-lesterol 胆固醇
  • CHO/dhfr-cell 二氢叶酸还原酶缺陷型CHO细胞
  • Cho/Vac 吸附霍乱菌苗,霍乱菌苗,02菌苗[生物制剂]
  • Choa n.绍阿(在莫桑比克;东经33º00'南纬18º03')
    n. (名词)
    1. 斧头
    2. 砍者
    3. 切者
    4. 切碎机
    5. 断路器
    6. 劈者
    7. <俚>直升机
    8. <俚>一副牙齿
    9. 一副假牙
    10. <俚>摩托车
    11. 大砍刀
    12. 【电】断波器
    13. 斧子
    14. 小斧头
    15. 前轮伸出式摩托车
    16. 【电】断波器断路器
    17. 切物之人
    18. 切肉大刀
    19. 剁者
    v. (动词)
    1. 用直升机运送
    2. 搭直升机
    3. 乘直升飞机飞行
    4. 用直升飞机运输


  1. a grounder that bounces high in the air

  2. informal terms for a human `tooth'

  3. an aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades

  4. a butcher's knife having a large square blade

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. We broke open the crate with a blow from the chopper.
    2. Jack said nothing and found a chopper in the corner of the house.
    3. He hacked open a path with a chopper on the way through the forest.
    4. The chopper was carrying victims of a traffic accident.
    5. They all board the chopper en route to safety.