
英['sɜːkəs] 美['sɜːrkəs]
  • n.马戏团;马戏表演;竞技场;广场
  • CIR abbr.圆圈(=circle)abbr.电路;圈(=circuit)abbr.圆周;周长(=circumference)
  • Cir-rhosis 肝硬化
  • CIRA n.持久爱尔兰共和军
  • Cirabisi 奇拉比西
  • cirac 环形加速器
    n. (名词)
    1. 马戏团;杂技团
    2. 露天圆形竞技场
    3. 马戏表演场,马戏场,杂技场
    4. <英>圆形广场
    5. 环形交叉口,圆形十字路口
    6. <贬>吵闹的活动
    7. 杂技表演,马戏表演
    8. 乱哄哄的热闹场面
    9. 在作某种表演的一群人
    10. 【地】外轮山
    11. 引人注意的人
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]马戏表演; 马戏团 (a performance by) a travelling group of people and animals who entertain the public with acts of skill and daring
    2. [C]喧闹的场面 a noisy badly behaved meeting, etc.
    3. [C]环形广场 a round open area where a number of streets join together


  1. a travelling company of entertainers; including trained animals;

    "he ran away from home to join the circus"

  2. a performance given by a traveling company of acrobats, clowns, and trained animals;

    "the children always love to go to the circus"

  3. a frenetic disorganized (and often comic) disturbance suggestive of a large public entertainment;

    "it was so funny it was a circus"
    "the whole occasion had a carnival atmosphere"

  4. (antiquity) an open-air stadium for chariot races and gladiatorial games

  5. an arena consisting of an oval or circular area enclosed by tiers of seats and usually covered by a tent;

    "they used the elephants to help put up the circus"

  6. a genus of haws comprising the harriers

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He performs riding stunts in the circus.
    2. The circus placarded the city with advertisements.
    3. The fascinations of the circus are endless.
    4. The Roman circus was used for chariot and horse races.
    5. Am I on the right road to Piccadilly Circus?
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The circus is coming here next week.
    2. The circus were very good, weren't they?
    3. There is seldom circus seen in this city.
    4. The hall was like a three-ring circus until the police arrived to restore order.
    5. There is a Piccadilly Circus in London.
n. (名词)
  1. circus的基本意思是“马戏表演,马戏团”,是集合名词,当其作主语时,谓语动词可为单数,也可为复数。引申可作“喧闹的场面”解。
  2. circus也可作“环形广场”解,常与专有名词连用。
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~
