
英[klɪŋ] 美[klɪŋ]
  • vi.紧贴;附着;依恋;坚持n.紧抓;紧贴
clingy clinger clung clung clinging clings
  • CLI n.生活费指数
  • Cliacil 青霉素V钾[青霉素类抗生素]
  • Cliantha n.克丽安萨
  • clianthus n.开穗状花朵的矮树
  • CLIB n.(C-Library)C语言库.
    n. (名词)
    1. =cling stone,黏核的桃
    2. 紧抓,紧贴
    3. 坚持
    4. 依附
    v. (动词)
    1. 紧抱,抱住,紧握
    2. 坚持;固执;墨守
    3. 黏住,缠住,绕住
    4. 沿(岸)前进,贴着(墙)走
    5. 赖住,依恋,依附,依靠
    6. 守牢(家庭),抱定(希望) ,坚信
    7. 粘在一起
    8. 紧贴,靠近,附着于
    v. (动词)
    1. vi. 抱紧 hold tight
    2. vi. 贴近 stay near
    3. vi. 坚持 remain faithful to or in favor of an idea, etc.


  1. fruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit

  1. come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation;

    "The dress clings to her body"
    "The label stuck to the box"
    "The sushi rice grains cohere"

  2. to remain emotionally or intellectually attached;

    "He clings to the idea that she might still love him."

  3. hold on tightly or tenaciously;

    "hang on to your father's hands"
    "The child clung to his mother's apron"

    用作不及物动词 (vi.)
    1. The wet clothes clung to his body.
    2. He clung to my arm.
    3. The cat tried to cling to the edge by its claws.
    4. Little children always cling to their mothers.
    5. She clung to the hope that her son was not dead.
    6. We should cling to our principles.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The droid used his magnetized rollers to cling tenaciously to the chromed surface of the ship while deadly turbolaser blasts rained overhead.
    2. This emerging portrait of magical thinking helps explain why people who fashion themselves skeptics cling to odd rituals that seem to make no sense.
    3. Don't cling to the kerb when you're driving.
    4. Leaf-tailed geckos cling to the trees, cloaked in green.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Dewdrops were still clinging on the trees.
    2. The smell of the onions clings.
v. (动词)
  1. cling的基本意思是臂状物、根须等悬着依附于某物,引申可表示固执地把持住所占有的或使用的东西,也可表示独立存在的事物所需要的支持。
  2. cling是不及物动词,表示“粘在一起”时,接副词together; 表示“依附于…”时,接介词to。
  3. cling的过去式、过去分词均为clung。
v. (动词)
cling, cohere, stick
  • 这组词都含有“牢固地附在…上”的意思。其区别是:
  • stick指一个人或一个物体依附于另一个,也指互相依存; cohere强调粘成一片或连成一个统一的整体; cling一般指依附另一个人或另一物体,暗示必须受到支持、支撑。例如:
  • His wet shirt clung to his body.湿衬衫紧紧贴在他的身上。
  • Do his religious and political beliefs cohere?他的宗教信仰和政治信仰是否一致?
  • insist,persist,persevere,adhere,cling
  • 这些动词均有“坚持”之意。
  • insist通常用于对意见、主张等的坚持。
  • persist用于褒义指坚持继续做某事,但更常用于贬义,指不听劝告,顽固坚持。
  • persevere含褒义,强调坚持不懈的努力。
  • adhere与to连用,指坚持意见、计划或承诺等,含坚持不懈之意。
  • cling和to连用,指对信仰、意见、习惯等的坚持。
  • stick,glue,adhere,cling,cohere
  • 这些动词均有“粘着、附着”之意。
  • stick常指用胶水或浆糊粘贴,词义引申指坚持。
  • glue与stick的本义相同,指用胶水把东西粘合在一起,没有“坚持”的含义。
  • adhere正式用词,语气较严肃刻板,既可指物体粘在一起,也可指坚持信仰或忠于事业等。
  • cling着重靠缠绕、紧抱、紧抓等方式而形成密切关系。也可作引申用。
  • cohere指物质微粒粘合在一起,成为不可分离的整体,强调所形成新物体的不可分割性。可引申指逻辑上的前后一致。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    cling to (v.+prep.)
      坚持,忠于(某观念、信条等) keep; remain loyal to (sth) or faithful to (sb)
    cling together (v.+adv.)
      (指两个以上的人)互相忠诚 be loyal to one another
    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+副词 ~+介词