
英[kən'vʌls] 美[kən'vʌls]
  • v.(使)震动;(使)抽搐
convulsed convulsed convulsing convulses
  • con n.骗局;反对;反对的理由adv.反面地;反对地vt.精读;记诵
  • Con'elation
  • con'tract 合同;收缩;正式合同;
  • con- (=com-)[前缀]表示“共同,联合”之义
  • CON-AID 康耐
  1. make someone convulse with laughter;

    "The comedian convulsed the crowd"

  2. be overcome with laughter

  3. move or stir about violently;

    "The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed"

  4. shake uncontrollably;

    "earthquakes convulsed the countryside"

  5. cause to contract;

    "The spasm convulses her facial muscles"

  6. contract involuntarily, as in a spasm;

    "The muscles in her face convulsed"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. This event convulse the whole world .
    2. Suddenly, he starts to convulse and his pulse goes into hyperdrive.