cylindrical green fruit with thin green rind and white flesh eaten as a vegetable; related to melons
- 1. The glass-and-steel tower will be built next door to the Gherkin landmark—a pickled cuke-like structure built in 2004.
- 这座由玻璃和钢铁建成的高塔将建在腌黄瓜地标旁边——一座建于2004年的腌黄瓜状建筑。
- 2. The glass-and-steel tower will be built next door to the Gherkin landmark -- a pickled cuke-like structure built in 2004.
- 这栋用玻璃和钢筋建造的塔将挨着2004年建成的地标性建造——小黄瓜(腌制小黄瓜)。
- 3. The glass-and-steel tower will be built next door to the Gherkin landmark -- a pickled cuke-like structure built in 2004.
- 这栋用玻璃和钢筋建造的塔将挨着2004年建成的地标性建造——小黄瓜(腌制小黄瓜)。